
Looking Ahead

Welcome to the third issue of Tampa Bay Homebuyer. We debuted late last year to rave reviews from readers and advertisers. Readers praised the comprehensive yet entertaining way we present information. And advertisers were thrilled to have a fresh and effective publication in which to showcase their messages.

We are especially proud of our partnership with the Greater Tampa Association of Realtors. The association felt that Tampa Bay Homebuyer truly represented our dynamic region, and that it was a publication they'd be proud to endorse.

We were pleased to earn the designation as GTAR's preferred publication, meaning that we've been recognized by the area's biggest professional real estate association as the best. The designation also means that GTAR members-the pros who sell most homes in our market-are encouraged to use Tampa Bay Homebuyer as their primary print resource when working with potential buyers, both locals and relocators.

Naturally, we don't intend to disappoint our friends at GTAR-or you. So our third great issue features an even more intriguing assortment of comprehensive community listings, school directories and lively, reader-friendly stories about our diverse neighborhoods.

Of course, there's plenty more. For example, one of the many great things about living in the Bay area is the ability to enjoy outdoor living virtually year-round. Consequently, we take a look at new ways homeowners can maximize their outdoor spaces.

It all starts in the back yard, which is now becoming an elaborate extension of the home-often including upscale finishes and furnishings that lend a resort-type feel to the once ordinary oasis.

Also in this issue is an intriguing story on the teardown trend. If you've driven through the region's older neighborhoods lately, you've certainly seen what appear to be perfectly acceptable-even extremely nice-homes being bulldozed.

Why would you pay perhaps seven figures for a home and then demolish it? As it turns out, there are some very good reasons-especially along the waterfront.

Then there's a profile on Lexington Homes, one of the region's most respected builders not only for the quality of its homes but also for the quality of its commitment to our community.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the upcoming Tampa Bay Builders Association Spring Parade of Homes, scheduled for March 25 through April 9. Check it out online at www.tampabayparadeofhomes.com after March 20.

Readers of our last issue know that the Parade's 2006 Showcase Home, located in FishHawk Ranch, is certified "green." And it's a beauty, showing that you don't have to give up any luxuries to be environmentally friendly.

In all, it's another fascinating issue. But that's just my opinion. As always, I'm eager to hear what you think.