
A Spring In Our Step

Spring ahead! I’ve always liked this time of year best, when the days are longer. I know all the environmentally sound reasons for springing ahead but I’m selfish; I enjoy the longer days that allow us to more fully enjoy outdoor living in the Bay area-without having to put on a sweater. Speaking of which, this issue of Tampa Bay Homebuyer has a great story on the latest trends in outdoor living rooms.
Among my favorite upgrades? Those unremarkable 1970s concrete surfaces have been replaced by tumbled marble and fossil-imprinted stone. And today’s stylish and durable outdoor appliances would work just as well in an indoor gourmet kitchen.
Of course, Florida living sometimes entails dealing with hurricanes. As I am writing this the first round of major storm predictions was announced. So, in a story every homebuyer should read, we address what local builders are doing to keep you and your family safe when and if a storm strikes. With amazing new technologies, state-of-the-art building materials and revamped construction techniques, many of today’s new homes are built to withstand the worst Mother Nature can muster.
By now, you may have heard about the Tampa Bay Builders Association’s “I’m Ready” campaign. This large-scale advertising and public relations effort seeks to persuade on-the-fence buyers that now is the time to make a deal.
? Okay, builders always think the time is right to buy. But with interest rates near record lows and inventory near record highs, it’s officially a buyer’s market. That’s the good news if you’re in the market. The not-so-good news is that the buyer’s market won’t last much longer. The Bay area is continuing to grow at a blistering pace, and it’s only a matter of time before it’s business as usual again.
While you’re out home shopping, you’ll certainly be struck by the variety of housing styles and price ranges you’ll find in our coverage area. From entry-level condos to custom estates, the Bay area has it all.
In fact, if you’re interested in a beautiful custom home priced at $1 million or more—and who isn’t?—then? you won’t want to miss the second annual Tampa Bay Luxury Home Tour, scheduled for this October and co-sponsored by Tampa Bay Homebuyer and Greenspring Media. Visit www.LuxuryHomeTour.net for more information.
Lastly, with this issue we say goodbye to Brook Patterson, our associate publisher. Brook was a terrific representative for this publication and earned the respect of her clients and everyone else in the homebuilding community. We’ll miss her, but wish her well in her new endeavor.
At the same time, we welcome Kim Hannigan as our new associate publisher. Kim comes to us with a wealth of experience in advertising and marketing and with a solid background in real estate publications. Kim brings enthusiasm and ideas to the job as well as a commitment to our mission of providing the most comprehensive homebuying information available, either in print or online.
—Trisha Randall, Publisher