Remodeling: Pleasure and Pain
This issue marks the debut of a new section, REMODEL.? It’s very timely as remodeling is more popular than ever.??
????Included in this special section is an overview of the 20 remodeling entries from this year’s Parade of Homes, a directory of the Home Builders Association of Metro Orlando Remodeler’s Council members and useful information about how to choose a remodeler and trends in remodeling.
????I just completed a small renovation to my home and in a way it’s a lot like being pregnant—the anticipation, the planning, the discomfort and, finally, the joy when it’s all over.
????Here are some thoughts on how to survive a remodel:
????Be patient.? It took longer to finalize plans with the architect and get permits approved than it took to complete the construction. But in the end it was worth the extra time because the project went forward without too many delays.
????Know what you want.? There are unlimited choices available, from fixtures and finishes to building materials, and it can be overwhelming. Narrow it down to what you need, what you like and what you can afford.?
????Get used to dust and chaos. When you live in your home during a remodel, it can be extremely unnerving. Your living room suddenly has become a storage unit, dust is everywhere and the kitchen is now in the hallway. Just lower your standards for cleanliness and organization and remember that the pain won’t last too long.
????Expect delays. No matter how meticulous and organized you and your builder are, there will be unexpected problems that crop up to delay construction.??
????Don’t assume. Builders aren’t mind-readers so it’s important that you communicate clearly your vision for the home and specify every detail you can think of.??
????Be kind. If you’ve selected a good builder, he or she wants to please you but there will be instances where mistakes are made. Take a deep breath and work through it.??
????Like your builder. Choose a builder with whom you have a rapport because they—and their crews—will be at your home every day at the crack of dawn. If you’re doing interior remodeling, they’ll practically be having breakfast with you. You don’t want that kind of proximity with someone you can’t stand.
????Overall, I had a fantastic remodeling experience, but I do have one regret —why did I wait so long to do it?
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????—Mimi Briegel, Publisher