
The More the Merrier

As Orlando Homebuyer celebrates its first anniversary, one thing has become clear-potential buyers as well as advertisers miss us when we're not around. So, because you asked for it, I'm happy to announce that beginning in mid-2005, we're changing our publishing schedule from quarterly to bimonthly.

There are several compelling reasons driving this decision. First and foremost, demand for the publication has been so strong that we need to increase our frequency just to keep up.

Real estate offices, which have adopted Orlando Homebuyer as their publication of choice for dealing with both local buyers and relocators, are constantly calling for replenished supplies. The region's top real estate professionals tell us nothing helps them sell the area-and as a consequence sell homes-like Orlando Homebuyer.

In addition, demand has increased for out-of-market mailings to people who are planning a move. Our Web site, Florida-Homebuyer.com, is generating more and more inquiries, and relocation requests to local chambers of commerce are also on the upswing. All of those inquiries receive a copy of Orlando Homebuyer as their introduction to the area.

Finally, the market has become so dynamic that it's necessary to increase our frequency to remain as timely as possible editorially. Orlando Homebuyer is the only real estate publication in Central Florida that's driven as much by content as by advertising. Consequently, our editors are clamoring to have more frequent opportunities to report on trends impacting the market.

That enhanced timeliness will impact not only the stories in the magazine but also the directories. We already run absolutely the most comprehensive new home development directory you'll find in print. Now that directory will be updated even more frequently to encompass new communities, new phases of existing communities and price changes.

Speaking of hot new trends, in this issue we look at the downtown Orlando condominium boom. As an Orlando resident for 38 years, I've seen enthusiasm for downtown wax and wane, from decline in the '70s to optimism in the '80s and '90s to real progress over the past several years in creating the kind of dynamic, exciting urban hub we've all be hoping for-a great place to visit and to live.

We also profile the dynamic Bill Silliman, the new president of the Home Builders Association of Mid-Florida. If you're interested in the local housing industry, as either an industry insider or a potential new home buyer, you'll want to hear what Bill has to say. And, as usual, we have our comprehensive directories, our special Choices insert and an assortment of newsy and entertaining departments.

In short, everything you need to know about buying a home in Cental Florida is between these covers. Perhaps that's why Orlando Homebuyer won this year's MAME Award as "Best Consumer Magazine." See if you agree-and I look forward to seeing even more of you in 2005.