Penelope Geismer, Publisher
From The Publisher
Even though the homebuyer tax credit expired on April 30, there may never be a better time to buy a home than today. Many outstanding opportunities still exist, but they may not be around forever.
You can still take advantage of today's low interest rates and competitive prices to get a home you may not have been able to purchase just a few years ago. But don’t count on interest rates or prices staying at current levels.
Mortgage rates are sensitive to market conditions, and even a slight increase can push monthly payments beyond a familys budget. As the country recovers from the recession and people stabilize their financial situations, most economists expect that home prices will begin to increase by 2011.
Those same economists say interest rates must rise sooner rather than later to prevent speculative bubbles.
Oh, and about that tax credit. You may still have an opportunity to take advantage of it, if you’re a qualified member of the military (as many Northeast Floridians are), foreign service and intelligence communities. In that case, you’ve got until April 30, 2011 to sign a contract. For more information, go to www.federalhousingtaxcredit.com.
Whatever the case, you owe it to yourself to get out and have a look at what’s available. I think you’ll be amazed at the bang you can get for your homebuying buck.