
From the Publisher

First-time homebuyers—who make up more than half of American adults planning to buy a home in 2009, according to a recent Move.com survey—may qualify for up to an $8,000 tax credit.

But time is running out.

The National Association of Home 
Builders (NAHB) has created a number of resources to give you all the information you need. The cornerstone is the www.federalhousingtaxcredit.com Web site, which has received nearly 2 million visits since March.

Even handier, check out our “Smart Moves” special section in this issue. In it you’ll find everything you need to know about the tax credit as well as vital information about qualifying for a mortgage in today’s unprecedented market.

There are good reasons for anyone interested in buying a new home—not just first-timers—to do it now. But with $8,000 on the table, first-timers, in particular, no longer have any reason to sit on the fence.

Penelope Geismar