
From the Publisher

Five Star Pros at the Top of Their Game.

Buying a home is the biggest investment most of us will ever make. So it makes sense that we should choose the most highly-regarded professionals to guide us through the process.

But with so many people in the real estate business, how do we know who to trust? How do we know who are the best, the most knowledgeable and the most customer-focused?

A great place to start is Florida Homebuyer Jacksonville" target="_blank">Jacksonville">Jacksonville" target="_blank">Jacksonville’s Five Star Real Estate Agents compilation, which appears in this issue. Five Star pros are selected by an independent research firm using sophisticated methodology that surveys thousands of recent buyers.

The buyers rate their real estate agents and the best in client satisfaction are listed in this special section. So if you’re getting ready to buy—and now is an ideal time—use this list to locate a real estate agent who’s right for you.

There’s a lot of information in this issue. I’ll bet you’ll find plenty that’s useful in your home search.

Penelope Geismar