
Northeast Florida master bath designed by Sports Noble Construction

Master Baths Front and Center

I was watching a Brady Bunch re-run the other night and was amazed to find that, apparently, the six Brady children shared a cramped bathroom in which they jostled for prime mirror positions while brushing their teeth, applying their makeup and styling their hair.
????This situation was inexcusable, especially since Mike Brady was supposed to have been an architect and could surely have come up with a solution.?
????But in Mike’s defense, he practiced his trade in the ‘60s, when bathrooms, even in the nicest homes, were often utilitarian, closet-sized spaces.
????What would Mike think of today’s big and luxurious master baths? We’ll never know, but we think he’d have been impressed by the projects showcased in this issue of REMODEL Jacksonville.?
????In addition, this issue also spotlights master suites. You’ll see bedrooms with comfortable sitting areas and even dining spaces, all created by the region’s top remodeling professionals.
And, as always, we’ve got tips on choosing a remodeler and a directory of members of the Remodelers Council of the Northeast Florida Builders Association, which is the best place to start if you’re considering a remodeling project of any size.
????So, please enjoy this edition of REMODEL Jacksonville. And more important, use it to make your dream home a reality.


As chairman of the Northeast Florida Builders Association Remodelers Council, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to the third issue of REMODEL Jacksonville, produced in cooperation with Florida Homebuyer Jacksonville.?
????Thanks to everyone who offered comments and compliments. After all, the goal of this publication is to serve as a resource, so we’re eager to hear suggestions on how to make it even more useful.
????From our point of view, an informed consumer is our best potential customer. So if you’re considering a remodeling project, please use REMODEL Jacksonville as a starting point.?
????And to further supplement the information you’ll find here, you can log onto our Web site, www.jaxremodelers.com.

Owner, Lawrence Murr Remodeling