
World Golf Village raised more than $6,800 during the March of Dimes Walk for Babies.


The Neighborhoods of World Golf Village and Davidson Realty raised more than $6,800 during the March of Dimes Walk for Babies.? The event raised nearly $96,000 in the fight against premature births.? Shown are team members from the Neighborhoods of World Golf Village and Davidson Realty.

Employees of Ryland Homes came together recently to show their support for daniel, a not-for-profit agency that provides services for needy and underprivileged children and families. Realtor Judy Hicks, who founded Womenade to assist daniel, shared her personal experiences with the organization at a quarterly employee meeting. The Ryland staff donated $500 and more than 17 bags of clothing to the facility. Hicks (second from right) is shown with Ryland employees.?

More than 100 volunteers gathered to hang 850 sheets of drywall at the Youth Crisis Center Touchstone Village. The four-building complex will house and provide services for 18- to 21-year-olds who are no longer eligible for funding through the state’s foster care program. Shown at the workday are volunteers from several local organizations, including Matovina & Company, Woodside Homes of Florida, Ryland Homes, Northeast Florida Builders Association, The Dantzler Group, Trinity Rescue Mission and the Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department.

A sunset “partini” reception was recently held for area Realtors at The Peninsula on the Southbank’s rooftop Apogee Lounge. More than 90 guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, martinis and live entertainment while touring the condominium community’s inventory, mingling with colleagues and meeting developer American Land Ventures’ Executive Director of Project Operations and Marketing Tammy Britton. Shown at the event are (left to right) Sam Stromberg, Nicole Dana, Mary Alice Lundy and Karen Philly.