
Sweet dreams: When choosing sheets and linens, bag the "bed in a bag" and opt for an unmatched style. Photo courtesy of Romanza.

Ask the Experts

Design solutions from professionals.
Q. The finishing touch for my bedroom will be the linens and sheets, but I don't want everything to match. Any suggestions?
A. Dara Hall, co-owner of Bonne Nuit Fine Linens, answers:
Start with a favorite color or a theme. Some people focus on a print or a fantastic pillow and build around that. We encourage clients to stay neutral and then embellish with fun pillows or an accent duvet or cashmere throw.
Bonne Nuit Fine Linens 26795 South Bay Drive, Suite 160, Promenade Shops, Bonita Springs. (239) 949-4646.

Q. Every time I try to decorate, the result is stuffy. Any suggestions?
A. Lindy Thomas, interior designer and proprietor of Lindy Thomas Interiors, answers:
Just filling a room with antiques-especially if they are too dark or out of scale with the room-is not the solution. The use of light and airy or bold and colorful fabrics, and carpets that are more casual than formal, will help give the home a welcoming attitude.

If you're in love with tradition, you might want to consider making the furniture the focal point. With antiques, pay attention to size and color. Don't make choices that overwhelm a space. And with the selection of fabrics available today-beautiful cottons, weaves, prints and silks-you can either reinforce a theme or give a more casual slant to the atmosphere.
Lindy Thomas Interiors 5405 Taylor Road, Suite 5, Naples. (239) 254-8822.