
Photo by Stefan Andreev

House Hunting 101

If you're reading this, chances are you're knee-deep in the hoopla of house hunting. You're excited, nervous and, quite likely, overwhelmed. So many options, so many styles, so many decisions. Where to begin? Where to end?

Relax, take a deep breath and read. The pages of Homebuyer are chock-full of everything you need to know about buying your piece of paradise. We've done our best to solve the mysteries surrounding Southwest Florida real estate, help you brush up on the Gulfshore's homebuying vernacular and provide the most comprehensive listing of new-home communities and builders anywhere. And we also hope you'll learn a thing or two about the people who will become your neighbors and the neighborhoods you'll soon be calling home.

With communities that offer world-class amenities, golf courses galore and lifestyles beyond compare, and homes in every price range, you'll discover why Southwest Florida is one of the hottest real estate markets in the country. You've made a great decision to call the Gulfshore home, and as you admire the spectacular and award-winning homes we've included, you'll realize that Southwest Florida has some of the most talented homebuilders, developers and interior designers on the planet.

Just remember: A house is much like a person. Some you'll be immediately attracted to; others will put you off. It may take time to get to know, slowly working its magic, or it may be love at first sight, when you are smitten before you even cross the threshold. You may be attracted by a pleasant outward appearance or wooed r by t inner beauty. Or you may have to literally peel through layers to reveal rock-solid character-brick or stone, beams or hardwood, whose beauty is enhanced by the scars of age.

Whether it's a fishing cottage tucked into the estuaries of Pine Island, a modern Mediterranean villa in Fort Myers or a Gulf-front estate in Naples, there's a great place for you on the Gulfshore.

Now what are you waiting for? Get out there and find it!